6 hectares of Waters Ready Diurug to Ngurah Rai airport development

The development of the construction of the Ngurah Rai airport takes around 6 hectares of area waters to make the apron at the West side of the airport. Such development to accommodate the traffic density of the flight time of the implementation of the IMF meeting.

The head of the public relations Field international airport I Gusti Ngurah Rai Arie Ahsanurrohim revealed that reclamation will be carried out immediately after all licensing is complete. Arie added if it was waiting for a copy of the permission lungkungan from Ministry of environment and forestry.

For site license, it already got permission from the Central Government. Among others the Ministry of marine and fisheries, the Ministry of transportation, as well as the Ministry of environment and Kehutan.

6 hectares of Waters Ready Diurug to Ngurah Rai airport development

The work done by STATE-OWNED contractor apron company limited residential development and it’s been progress 1.9 percent. The stages already done is the preparation of designs, build the access of people and vehicles to transport the material.

Development project with an area of 6 hectares is expected to accommodate big aircraft 3 or 6 small aircraft. It is prepared for the meetings of the IMF.

Reclamation permit has already consulted with the Department of marine and Fisheries of the province of Bali terkati technical considerations permit the implementation of the reclamation. By consulting the pemngembangan project is expected to be running smoothly.

After the development of the 6 acres of waterways to support IMF meetings, later the Western apron will be extended to the long term achieve 48 hectares.

About reclaiming who often reap the pros cons then according to Arie it would do to the community socialization that occupies three villages around the airport.

The development of the Western Apron project (package I) Ngurah Rai airport is one of three major projects at the level of the STATE-OWNED Airport. For package II built the Apron on the East side that proggresnya has reached 20.7 percent. While the package III is the VIP building I and II with proggres 5 percent.

Other facilities relocated due to construction of the Package I was pembangungan Ngurah Rai air base headquarters and the construction of waste management means that ingesting the funds of Rp 2.2 trillion. All stages are planned to be completed in August.